My thesis has won several prizes for its novel approach.
Bok Prize Highly Commended (Awarded to the top three astronomy-related theses from all Honours/Masters students in Australia)
IEEE Student Thesis Prize (Awarded to the top ranked Information Technology and Electrical Engineering thesis from all undergraduate students in Queensland)
GBST Best Software Project (Awarded to the top ranked software-related thesis at the University of Queensland)
Working with the SkyMapper team to hunt for new supernovae! We are using the 1.3m telescope at Siding Spring Observatory to study supernovae and other transient objects across ~1000 square degrees of the sky.
We recently launched the citizen-science project to search for Planet 9 (launched on BBC’s Stargazing Live TV event). The supernova citizen-science search was also recently launched and is live here.
The SkyMapper Team includes Brian Schmidt, Anais Möller, Brad Tucker, Ashley Ruiter, Ivo Seitenzahl, Seo-Won Chang, Bonnie Zhang, Fiona Panther, Daniel Muthukrishna, Natalia E. Sommer, Ryan Ridden-Harper, Patrick Armstrong, Nataliea Lowson, Richard Scalzo, Fang Yuan, Mike Childress, Chris Onken, Chris Wolf.
Model-independent cosmology with SNIa and BAO data
Modelling emission line profiles with multiple Gaussian components
V. Firpo, D. Muthukrishna, F. Campuzano-Castro, S. Torres-Flores, G. Bosch and G. Hagele, Violent star-forming processes in interacting galaxies, (2018). (in prep)